Below is a list of both runners looking for a pacer and pacers who are looking for a runner to pace. To have your name added to this list please fill out the form found at the bottom of the page. If you see someone you would like to contact, their email can be found with [at] replacing the @ symbol and you may feel free to get in touch. If you find someone and you would like your name removed from the list please send another email to us.
Runners looking for a pacer:
Name: Madison Varley
Runner - looking for pacer
Location: Conshohocken, PA
Email Address: madisonvarley[at]
Email Address: madisonvarley[at]
Male/Female: Female
Goal Time: 27-28 hours
Pacers looking for a runner:
Pacer Information Form
Runner or Pacer:
Email address:
100 mile goal (pace or finish time):